Thursday, March 29, 2012

Occupy San Francisco celebrates International Women's Day

By Max Anderson
Texas State University student

The Occupy San Francisco Women's Alliance marched for International Women's Day on March 10 through the financial district of downtown San Francisco.

Six women's groups and two anti-war groups participated in the event.  A lot of women and men showed solidarity with Occupy San Francisco for women's rights.

The march started at Justin Herman Plaza, where occupiers once had over 100 tents set up before being evicted.  The march proceeded through the financial district with protesters chanting in unison and waving signs to the accompaniment of a brass band.  At times, the march had a party-like atmosphere.

"I feel great," said Nancy Mancias. "I feel like it's this collective birthday party."

Along the route, organizers from Occupy San Francisco stopped at several key locations and gave information concerning women's rights.  The first stop was in front of the Federal Reserve building, where Occupy San Francisco holds weekly general assembly meetings.

Protesters also stopped at Bechtel, one of the largest builders of nuclear plants in the U.S., and listened to speakers about the dangers of nuclear pollution on women's health.

The protest also stopped in front of the Hyatt Hotel, infamous for its refusal to sign a fair contract with its union workers, and began chanting "boycott the Hyatt."

The Occupy San Francisco International Women's Day March ended safely at Sue Bierman Park.  Women gave speeches at the rally following the march.

"In this country women are met with oppressive commentary from misogynistic public figures," said Janice Suess. " American women are labeled as sluts, whores and prostitutes for trying to provide access to contraceptives and abortion."

Kelly Johnson put the whole event together.  She planned the event for over three months and organized the march around International Women's Day.

"We are having actions all the time," said Kelly Johnson.  "We are talking a lot about reoccupying."

The Occupy San Francisco Women's Alliance celebrates women's strength and promotes women in leadership roles in the community, government, policy making and in business administrations.

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